Knowing When To Buy New Tires

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There are a lot of ways to tell when to buy new tires. Obviously, it would help if you didn’t wait until your tires are worn out and damaged before replacing them. Merely looking at your tires from a distance is not enough to know whether or not it’s time to invest in new tires. Most of the time, to tell if your tire tread is still in good condition, you need to thoroughly inspect and measure it.

It’s always best to know when to replace your tires so that you can avoid premature tread wear and dangerous blowouts on the road. Here in the Philippines, the rainy season has officially started. That means the cold temperature and rain that may cause flooding are major risk factors to any vehicle owner.

As we speak, you may be wondering about the condition of your tires or what you need to know to make sure you have the right tires for your vehicle. Here is a guide to knowing when to buy new tires.

Damages in the sidewall

Check all sides of your tires for damage. This could be in the form of cracks and bulges in the sidewall, missing rubber, or deep cuts from hitting curbs. A crack or bulge in the sidewall is likely caused by a broken cord inside the tire, while cuts and other abrasions may be signs of hitting large curbs or road hazards. Any damage to the sidewall is a serious condition and poses a great danger to the vehicle’s passengers. You may have all these conditions assessed by a tire professional to determine the severity of the damage.


Tread depth is below the standard tire depth

It’s a general rule that no tire tread should fall below 1.6 millimeters in depth. If you often drive under rainy and wet weather conditions, it’s ideal to have a tread depth of at least twice the standard to ensure that your tires’ grip is in good shape. Considering the start of the rainy season here in the Philippines, you might want to consider checking your tread depth to avoid skidding on the road.

Fortunately, you can check your tire tread even without a professional. All you have to do is insert a one-peso coin into the tread, with Jose Rizal’s head facing upright. The year placed just below Rizal’s head should at least be partially covered. However, if it falls below that, it’s probably best to invest in some new tires.


Excessive tire vibration

Tire vibration is normal, but only to an extent. Proper wheel balancing and alignment usually do the job of getting rid of excessive vibration, but if balancing and alignment don’t correct the issue, then there could be an underlying problem that you’re not seeing. Have your tires looked at by a professional, and consider getting a new set of tires if suggested.

Tread wear indicator bar starts showing up

Thankfully, newer tires now have a more convenient way of checking whether your tires are due for a replacement. New tires have tread indicator bars installed into the tires and only become visible when treads have already worn beyond their safe depth. These are the flat rubber bars that run vertically to the tread direction, and if you start seeing them at the same level as your tread, then you’ll know it’s time to get your tires replaced.


Triangle Tire Tips

Drive Safely with Triangle Tires

There is absolutely no exact way to tell how long tires will last, but we’re giving you a few tips to keep in mind about your vehicle tires:

  • Three years in and you’re bound for inspection

Keep 3 years in mind. After 3 years of using your tires, make sure you have them thoroughly inspected at least once per year by a tire professional.

  • Proper care and maintenance keep your tires in good shape

Just like everything else, taking care of your tires will help prolong their life. Perform regular tire and vehicle maintenance and maintain the correct air pressure to keep your tires in good shape.


Need a new set of tires? Make sure you check out our catalog for an array of passenger, light truck, truck bus, and heavy equipment tires!

Mikha Dela Cruz
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