10 Types of Truck Drivers You’ll Meet on the Road: Which One Are You?

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The number of registered vehicles in the Philippines, nearly 5 million in December 2021, is a testament to the country’s growth and development. Out of these, 432,000 are trucks. 

Just as you’ll see different types of trucks on the road, you’ll also encounter drivers whose personality shines through their driving style. 

While you may never meet truck drivers face to face, you will definitely share the road with them. Some drivers may be more cautious, while others are more aggressive. Identifying these driving patterns and habits can help you navigate the road safely and avoid accidents.

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10 Types of Truck Drivers You’ll Meet on the Road: Which One Are You?

Do you ever wonder what type of truck driver you are or which category of truck driver you’ll meet on the road? Here are 10 types of truck drivers you’ll likely encounter, what to expect from them, and how to handle them for safe driving.

1. The Newbie

Newbies are often just starting their careers as truck drivers. As a result, they may be slow, nervous, and tunnel-visioned on the road, making them less aware of their surroundings. They don’t have the same experience level as veteran drivers, and this lack of confidence can result in sudden breaks or unexpected turns.

However, everyone starts as a newbie. You probably remember how awed you were inspecting the tire size of your new, massive vehicle. When you spot one on the road, give them the space to operate safely. These drivers are still learning, so you may have to be patient as they drive slower or take too long to make a turn. Don’t honk your horns, too, as it may rattle them into making mistakes.

Be a courteous and cautious driver to help newbie truck drivers develop their experience and skills.

2. The Honker

Honkers want to show they’re the main characters of the road. They honk their horn at every minor inconvenience and believe that the size of their vehicle gives them the right of way in every situation. They may cut other drivers off, tailgate them, or resort to dangerous behaviors.

Honkers can be annoying, but aggravating them can put you and others at risk. If you spot a honker, the best thing to do is stay calm and avoid engaging with them. Don’t retaliate or try to confront them; this may escalate the situation and lead to even more dangerous actions. Keep a safe distance, maintain a steady speed, and avoid any movements that may cause them to react aggressively.

3. The Distracted Driver

Truck drivers who cannot keep their focus are dangerous to everyone around them, especially considering their vehicle’s weight and cargo. They may be texting on their phones, eating, or simply not paying attention – whatever the case, the distractions may lead them to have delayed reactions, miss road signs, or unintentionally drift into other lanes.

If you notice a distracted driver, give them as much space as possible. The further away you are, the better. Avoid breaking suddenly or making maneuvers that may require them to halt abruptly. Always be aware of their movements and anticipate sudden changes in direction or speed.

It would also help if you honked at them to get their attention, especially when a collision is imminent. Report them to the authorities to get them off the road if possible.

In short, the best way to handle distracted drivers is to avoid them at all costs, carefully observe them for unexpected movements, and report unsafe behavior.

4. The Long Hauler

Trucks often carry cargo to distant destinations. These long-haul truckers drive large trucks for hours without taking a break and are likelier to exhibit fatigue, impatience, and reckless driving. Due to their extended time on the road, their vehicles may be prone to wear and tear or declining tire pressure, which can lead to accidents.

When encountering long haulers, try to remember the potential limitations of their vehicle type and give them plenty of space. Avoid tailgating or cutting in front of them, and always consider their blind spots. Give them extra space when making turns, as cargo trucks aren’t the most maneuverable.

It’s best to give these road giants ample space and be aware if the driver starts dozing off or getting impatient.

5. The “It’s not MY Truck” Driver

Hired drivers are an important part of the logistics chain. However, they may not be as careful a driver as one would hope since it is the company’s vehicle and not theirs. They’re also less interested in the upkeep and maintenance of the truck. 

If you spot these drivers and their beaten-up trucks, keep a wide berth and stay alert for sudden maneuvers. Once they act too dangerously, consider reporting them to the authorities.

6. The Tailgater

Tailgater truck drivers drive too close to the vehicle in front of them, and these actions can lead to serious accidents involving themselves and others on the road. Because of the size and weight of their trucks, they need longer stopping distances.

If a truck tailgates you, the best thing to do is to switch lanes calmly. Sudden brakes may cause them to collide with your vehicle, so avoid doing so. Try to maintain a steady speed and let them pass. At the end of the day, you should always prioritize road safety over the pressure to speed up.

7. The Weaver

Weavers constantly switch lanes, moving in and out of traffic to get ahead. They’re often aggressive and impatient drivers, making them a danger to themselves and others. Be extra cautious when driving near weaving trucks, and be ready when they cut you off.

Stay calm when encountering a weaving truck driver and avoid engaging in aggressive behaviors. If you can, keep a safe distance behind or in front of them. You can’t control their driving—only your actions and reactions.

8. The Speeder

Speeders are often under pressure to make timely deliveries, causing them to drive aggressively and exceed the speed limit. They disregard other vehicles as long as they can reach their destination quickly. Given the nature of delivery and logistics, their urgency is understandable. However, their speed poses a risk to other drivers.

When you spot a speeder, be patient and give them space to maneuver when they try to overtake slower vehicles to compensate for lost time. Above anything, don’t try to race them—just give way.

9. The Slow and Steady Driver

Slow and steady drivers are cautious and deliberate on the road, often sticking to the speed limit and not varying their speed. While they can frustrate those in a hurry, they prioritize safety over speed. Their large vehicles can be difficult to handle, so they take their time avoiding road accidents.

Be patient and avoid tailgating if you are behind a slow and steady driver. If you need to pass, do so only when it’s safe and legal and then use your signals to alert the driver of your intentions.

10. The Defensive Driver

Defensive drivers prioritize safety above all else. They’re often well-trained and experienced truckers who understand the capabilities of their vehicle and the potential dangers it poses. They will typically maintain a safe distance from other cars, obey traffic laws, and follow speed limits. They’re also more aware and adjust to the situation as needed.

Once you spot a defensive driver, pay attention to how they handle the road and their vehicle. They are veterans, so you can learn much from their driving style.

Sharing the Road: Dealing with Different Truck Driver Types

Sharing the road with different truck driver types can be a unique experience, and it’s essential to understand how to navigate safely around them. From newbies to defensive drivers, each one’s driving style and habits can impact how they behave on the road and how you should respond to them.

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Mikha Dela Cruz
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