8 Tire Buying Tips for Light Trucks and Delivery Vehicles

To the untrained eye, tires in light trucks and delivery vehicles are almost similar to those in passenger cars. However, for a specialist in the field of mining or construction that transport heavier loads and materials, those tires could not be more different.

For starters, tires for light trucks and delivery vehicles are heavy-duty and, as such, have to follow strict requirements before they can be deemed roadworthy.

Delivery vehicles and light trucks equipped with non-roadworthy tires pose several risks. They could malfunction on the road and cause traffic-disrupting accidents. Not to mention the fatalities that might result from those unfortunate events. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, the importance of quality tires for light trucks and delivery vehicles cannot be overstated.

8 Tips When Buying Tires for Light Trucks and Delivery Vehicles

If you’re in the market for tires for light trucks and delivery vehicles, here are some tips to help you get only the best quality tires—and even save money in the process.

1. Understand the basics of light truck tires

Passenger vehicle tires differ from light truck tires since the latter has better grip, tougher sidewalls, and deeper treads. These features allow light trucks to navigate rough roads with ease, even with heavy loads.

Light truck tires cater to three core requirements of commercial vehicles.

  • Load – Load ratings cover single wheel and twin-wheel use.
  • Durability – There is an enhanced margin of safety and endurance compared to passenger car tires.
  • Wear resistance – Truck tires may use special polymers as part of rubber compounding, reinforced carcass, or special tread pattern for better cooling.

2. Consider buying tires online

Online tire shops offer affordable light truck tires. Buying from an online tire shop is also more convenient compared to buying from a physical dealership, and you also gain access to more options.

However, you need to account for tire placement, which won’t be covered. Local shops could do the job, so you need to add that cost to the price of tires you wish to purchase.

Retailers like Triangle Tires deliver orders of at least 20 tires within Metro Manila.

Browse our Light Truck Tires →

3. Know your vehicle’s recommended load range and weight rating

You will find the load range and weight rating on the tires’ sidewalls. The key is pinpointing the maximum load carrying capacity number, which you can’t deviate from. For example, it is best to stick to a D or E load-range for a heavy 1-ton truck with a maximum capacity of 1,500 pounds.

4. Always check for any signs of deterioration

The last thing you want to do is invest in new tires that are not as pristine as they should be. To avoid that, look for signs of deterioration, such as patches and plugs on the sidewalls. Also, watch out for minor cuts, rounded leading edges, bubbles, gouges, and exposed belts.

Refer to the tire’s manufacture date to gauge whether a tire is worth buying. This four-number date code usually appears on the sidewall, representing the week (first two digits) and year (last two digits) in which the tire was manufactured. Walk away from tires older than five years.

For example, if your tire has a date code of 0322, this means that your tire was manufactured in the third week of 2022. If the date code says 3915, then your tire was made on the 39th week of 2015 — which means it’s time for you to replace your tire ASAP since it’s more than six years old.

5. Make sure all tires are balanced

A choppy or uneven tread is a red flag. While it’s true that a slight discrepancy in thread depth may be mitigated via proper rotation and inflation, you want a fresh start with your new tires. Ideally, they don’t require tune-up before you start using them.

If you’re purchasing from different brands, make sure the tires balance properly. Keep in mind that size dimensions may vary from one company to another.

Triangle Tires invests heavily in research and development, so you can be sure that the tires you get from us are balanced and in the optimal condition right out of the shop.

6. Quality over savings

Do not skimp on new tires for light trucks. Life and business are on the line. Quality tires give you more savings in the long run because there will be no need for either constant upkeep or premature replacements.

7. Consider fuel economy

If you’re shopping for new tires that will be used for your business, you should also account for fuel economy. If that belongs in your top priorities, you can’t go wrong with Triangle Tires’ Light Truck series.

8. Consider road surface

The Philippines’s road infrastructure is not perfect, unfortunately. Your light trucks will go through rough roads. Take that into account when choosing new tires. Make sure the tires you pick are durable enough to withstand bumps and pits on the road, as these are common road hazards in the Philippines.

Your choice of tire tread pattern will depend heavily on the roads you will traverse, so decide beforehand if you’ll need tires that are suited for either mining/off-road surfaces, for highways and city driving, or a mix of both.

Get Rolling with Tireless Tires

Quality tires are tireless tires. You can rest assured of longevity without compromising sustained performance. With quality tires, you can ply through countless roads without worrying about your journey getting derailed by a tire that bursts out of nowhere. Likewise, you can get your load to where it’s supposed to be within schedule. So, choose tires wisely.

For quality replacement tires, Triangle Tires is your trusted ally. We sell tires for light trucks, delivery vehicles, and passenger cars. Our expansive catalog welcomes online orders—with affordable delivery prices to boot. Please contact us for your tire needs.

Mikha Dela Cruz
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